
Back to School

It's back to school time and we just finished our first week of Kindergarten.  Thanks to all the parents who were able to get their students to school to complete our state assessments on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  It was nice to get to know the students one-on-one before everyone came on Thursday.  During the first two days, we worked a lot on routines and classroom rules.  In order for us to learn and get the most out of our Kindergarten experience, we need to remember what to do while in Kindergarten.  Some things we have worked on are:  raising hands to speak instead of calling out, hands to ourselves, walking in the classroom and using quiet voices.  We have also worked hard on learning those routines of what to do when we enter and leave the classroom.

I hope that the families were able to see a couple of items your student has brought home in their folder.  The "All About Me" books turned out very cute.  I hope you enjoyed them with your child.  We also played a number game called "BOOM!" that the kids loved!  It is my hope that during our second week, we can begin learning our routines for The Daily Five reading management system.  Please see our website for more information about the Daily Five.

On Friday, I sent home information about our KRAL assessment and your child's score.  If your child was not able to complete the assessment before Kindergarten began, I will send home this information as soon as I am able to complete these assessments with your child.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  We will also be able to discuss it some more at conference time in October.

Thank you for a great first week and working with your children.  The quicker they pick up the classroom rules and procedures, the easier it will be to create a wonderful learning environment.

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