
Arctic Animals

Finally, the camera was found and I was able to take pictures of the "cool" work we've been doing with Arctic animals. First up was the penguins:

Here is a schema chart. We talk about how our schema is information we think that we know. Then we add new information to the middle of the chart. Our misconceptions are things that we have proved to be false in our research.

These penguin pictures and writing turned out so cute. The kids worked so hard on them.

Next up are the polar bears. We first started our polar bear unit with a little riddle for the kids to fill in the blank. Some of their guesses are interesting.

This polar bear is sleeping. See the "ZZZZZ..."

Achievement reports are almost done and will be sent home on Friday. Inside your envelope will be a letter explaining the report and a conference form for February. You may keep the achievement report but please return the signed envelope and the conference form. I have marked on the conference form if I need to see you for a conference. If I do not need to meet with you at this time, you do not need to return the form.

Stay warm!


Happy New Year and Assessment Time!

Happy New Year to everyone! I cannot believe it is 2012 already. Sorry I have been slacking a little with the blog since December but we have been so busy around these Kindergarten parts! With the achievement reports going home at the end of the month, I have been doing a lot of assessments. Many of our Kindergarten assessments are done on a one-on-one basis so I feel like that is all we have been doing lately. Our new achievement reports will give you a lot of good information about the progress your child has been making so far this year. Remember, we are only half way through the year and we have a lot more to learn. The items listed on the achievement report are END OF YEAR standards. If your child gets a (P) please don't think they are not meeting grade level expectations. They are progressing towards that end of year goal. When you get your child's achievement report and have questions, please contact me.

The last week and a half, we have been studying Arctic animals such as penguins and polar bears. I have some cute work we have been doing, but I am waiting for the digital camera to take some pictures. They will be coming soon! While you wait, ask your child about some penguin or polar bear facts.