Well, it is the end of June and the Fourth of July is upon us. Even though it is summertime, I have been looking on the internet and reading a lot to prepare for the next school year. In our school district, Kindergarten will be implementing the new Common Core Standards in Math and Reading as well as the Revised Standards for Science and Social Studies. There are going to be many changes in the way we deliver our Kindergarten curriculum. Luckily, we have an outstanding Kindergarten staff and Instructional Coaches to help us along the way.
Some great resources I have purchased this summer have been three books by Debbie Diller: Literacy Work Stations, Math ,Work Stations and Making the Most of Small Groups: Differentiation for All. I have always heard of Debbie Diller and maybe even attended a conference or two where she was a presenter. While I was reading a lot of Kindergarten blogs this summer, numerous teachers were recommending her books if one wanted to use more center-based learning in their Kindergarten classroom. This is a professional goal I have for next year so that I can better differentiate the learning going on in my classroom. Let's face it, in Kindergarten, no two children are the same in their academic or social abilities. Using more center-based learning allows the children to work on their own level instead of something being too easy or difficult for them. It also allows for me to meet with small groups or individually more often.
I hope to use this blog as a resource or an open conversation on strategies and events occuring in our classroom. I also hope that parents will take a peek and see what their students are learning.